Good course management will save you strokes

The average golfer wastes 5-7 strokes per round due to poor course management. Managing your game is just as important as executing your shot. 

Below is a short list of ways to improve your management skills to help lower your score.

First, know your tendencies and adjust to your target accordingly.  Example, if you tend to hit a fade, tee off on the right side of the tee box and aim down the left fairway, that way when you hit your fade you will end up closer to the middle of the fairway instead of the right rough. 

Know your distance and consider the elements, then adjust short or long as to the safest landing area.  Yardage books and range finders have been a great tool in assisting golfers with the layout of the course and their distance.

Knowledge is power.  Avoid your fears and understand how the rules can help you.  Far too often we penalize ourselves when we don’t have to.  Always carry a rules book or your cell phone so you can look up a rule (using the USGA App) when questions arise.  

Visualize your desired shot and feel the movement with a practice swing before you execute.

Stay committed to your decision and believe in yourself to make your perfect swing. Before you know it, you will have shaved five strokes off your score!

For further assistance, schedule a Playing Lesson with Tami Bealert, PGA Director of Instruction. Special fall rate: $85 per hour or $125 for two hours. Price may vary for two or more persons. Offer good through 2019.

Tami Bealert, Director of Instruction


Cell: 734-731-0238